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Top 40 Orthodox Heresies



Part 1:

31) Salvation by Works


32) A 2nd Priesthood offering up physical sacrifices Nicolaitanism.


33) That Calvary achieved the resurrection of souls in his death and resurrection, not washing away our sins and total justification.

That is.... Forgiveness of sin through Calvary denied - On Calvary Jesus earned the resurrection of the just and the unjust (so Jesus died to damn billions of people people) specifically not our salvation.


34) The Hypostatic UnionThat the corporate nature of mankind was purged in the incarnation (thus not Calvary taking sin).  Reconciliation. (note- this complex issue is heavily linked to their semi-pelegian heresy of ancestral sin)


​35) That salvation is found only in Orthodoxy


36) Metousiosis - or "holy cannibalism"


37) Chrismation


38) Triple Baptism .  


39) Born Again - heretical definition


40) They are (therefore) not part of the new and better covenant .













TOP 40:

10 proofs that Eastern Orthodoxy is a Sex Cult.

31) They commit Adultery by misinterpreting "porneia" in Matthew 5:32 as post marital adultery and a legitimate reason to divorce and remarry:  It is in fact polygamy or bigamy to do this.

a) "porneia" in Matthew 5:32 misinterpreted as also including post marital adultery.


The Catholics on the other hand rightly state it is impossible in context that this word includes postmarital adultery, and means fornication, example: such as a woman who claims to be a maiden discovered not to be before consummation on the marriage bed.

Catholics refuse communion to divorcees who remarry, the Orthodox do not.

32) They commit Adultery by the rule of "economy" (oikonomia):  It is in fact also polygamy or bigamy to do this.

b) By the doctrine of "economy". They allow remarriage for many other reasons centering around the concept of "no love or commitment in the marriage" 

for these remarriages there is even a second separate special kind of service, quote:

"The Order of the Second or Third Marriage (service) is somewhat different than that celebrated as a first marriage and it bears a penitential character."

33) "He causes her to commit adultery". A separate sin from adultery by divorce and remarriage, 

34) No marriage vows - marriage vows are not "swearing oaths" 

35) Adultery justified under Antinomianism (that is - as if the allowing of remarriage by priests somehow nullifies adultery from being a 'work of the flesh" to which damnation is promised to all who do not repent.)

36) That Marriage is a sacrament.

37) Invested Authority to marry a couple: doctrinally rendering all other children in non Orthodox marriages bastards.

​38) Celibacy of the clergy: but not identical to Roman Catholicism, Married clergy cannot remarry after death of  the spouse: a further heresy, and the widow of a priest cannot remarry but becomes a celibate , Clergy Widow and widowers cannot remarry.

39) Banning women from the entire Mount Athos Peninsula - sexist and discrimination.

​40) They do not properly teach to keep virginity before marriage.

By heretically interpreting "porneia" in Matthew 5:32 as including post marital adultery, this removes the definite directive/teaching of preservation of virginity before marriage, by making the word include postmarital sins. 

**) Unbiblical annulments of marriages (like Catholicism) ?



The Orthodox Church recognizes the sanctity of marriage and sees it as a life-long commitment. However, there are certain circumstances in which it becomes evident that there is no love or commitment in a relationship.

While the Church stands opposed to divorce, the Church, in its concern for the salvation of its people, does permit divorced individuals to marry a second and even a third time.

The Order of the Second or Third Marriage is somewhat different than that celebrated as a first marriage and it bears a penitential character. Second or third marriages are performed by “economy”—that is, out of concern for the spiritual well being of the parties involved and as an exception to the rule, so to speak.




:"Emperor Justinian’s (527-565) legislation prescribed specific causes for divorce and remarriage. Entering a monastery or religious life by reciprocal agreement among the spouses was considered a valid reason for divorce, and this applied to men and women who, during marriage, chose a religious life and habitation in a monastery. Additionally, husbands could divorce their wives in cases of treason against the emperor, committing adultery, plotting to kill their spouses, etc. Wives were also granted divorces if their husbands pressured them to commit adultery or if husbands accused them of adultery but failed to provide evidence."

"The Orthodox Church, due to historical circumstances particular to the Eastern Roman Empire, tried to live in harmony or symphonia with the civil authorities, and probably this is the reason why civil divorce and remarriage was borrowed and entered Church Law. Novella 117 of the year 542 is probably an example of the compromise between Roman-civil and Church Law permitting divorce and remarriage in cases of adultery or for entering a monastery. Divorce and remarriage entered Orthodox Church Law via canon 87 of the Council in 692 in Trullo, (the decisions of which the Catholic Church does not recognize), which prescribed several cases for divorce and remarriage: the culpable “must be weepers for a year, hearers for two years, prostrators for three years, and in the seventh year to stand with the faithful and thus be counted worthy of the Oblation.” Almost two centuries after Trullo, in 883 the Patriarch of Constantinople St. Photius in his Nomocanon, collection of Church Laws incorporated a list of special causes for divorce and remarriage borrowed from the Justinian-civil law, while affirming the Orthodox Church’s understanding of the indissolubility of marriage."


It is in fact impossible that the word "porneia" in context in Matthew 5:32 includes post marital adultery, as the Roman Catholics rightly point out. A man who divorces and remarries, with all the paperwork that goes with it, is continuously committing adultery says Jesus (and Romans 7:1-4). Thus adultery is not breaking the marriage bond, as to be adultery you must still be married in God's eyes. Thus the word means fornication, as the KJV bible and Catholic bibles correctly interpret. An example is a woman claiming to be a maiden, but on the marriage bed before consummation is shown to not be, or confesses to not being a virgin. Such a man could rightly divorce her and remarry. The Orthodox church are preaching adultery by second marriage. It is a sex cult.

The Orthodox Church in America

           a Puppet of Russia.

Post-reconciliation schism:

Critics of the reunification argue that "the hierarchy in Moscow still has not properly addressed the issue of KGB infiltration of the church hierarchy during the Soviet period."

( so.... you are potentially confessing

your sins to the KGB / FSB or FSS in America,

as Russian rules over the USA church jurisdiction in Orthodoxy!!)


Founded in 1794 — Granted Autocephaly in 1970 by Russia  -  denied autocephaly by the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

see Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia [c]

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